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How Exotec is changing the way businesses operate

Exotec is France’s first industrial unicorn, with its recent €293 million funding round. The company is shaking up how businesses operate with its automated warehouse robots and is quickly becoming a leader in the warehousing industry.

Exotec provides a streamlined and efficient way for companies to store, manage, and distribute goods. In this article, we will look into how Exotec is making a big impact in the industry.

Overview of Exotec

Exotec Solutions is a revolutionary technology that helps businesses streamline operations, increase workplace efficiency, and save money. By incorporating advanced robotics, machine learning, and AI into its processes and systems, Exotec can keep your business functioning seamlessly and efficiently.

Exotec’s innovative platform simplifies how companies manage their warehouses by automating manual organisation processes such as tracking inventory and organising products for optimal storage. In addition to optimising existing organisational tasks, Exotec allows businesses to extend their reach with self-operated robots that can autonomously navigate the warehouse and complete specific tasks by following predefined programs. This further boosts operational efficiency, improving accuracy and providing greater flexibility in completing time-consuming and precise operations such as sorting through items in store shelves.

Furthermore, Exotec’s AI algorithms can adapt quickly to changes in the environment or situation to ensure precise results when it matters most. It supports localisation capabilities; therefore allowing it to interact with any environment or language preference of the customer’s choice regardless of geographical location. With these capabilities, customers can achieve their desired performance levels while ensuring safety standards are always met.

With its user-friendly interface designed specifically for efficient business process management, Exotec Solutions is transforming how businesses operate worldwide. Its sleek design supports scalability so companies can scale up rapidly when needed while creating a safe working environment free from human error or risk of injury in intense work conditions such as warehouses or production facilities.

Exotec picks up €293 million and becomes France’s first industrial unicorn

Exotec, an AI-powered warehouse robotics provider, recently announced that it had raised €293 million in a Series C investment round. This reflects Exotec’s commitment to staying on the leading edge of technology and innovation in its industry.

The new funding will allow Exotec to accelerate product development and expand its capabilities as a service provider. In other words, it will allow the company to provide even more cutting-edge tools and services that businesses can leverage when streamlining their warehouses. The money will also be used for market expansion, including entering new geographies worldwide.

This financing round was led by funds and accounts managed by BlackRock, with participation from existing investors including EQT Ventures, Breega Capital, Partech Partners and Global Founders Capital.

With this latest infusion of capital, Exotec has now raised €383 million from investors since 2017 — indicating an increasingly strong investor confidence in the company’s model and mission. According to Thomas Roussel isÂ�CEO/Co-founder of Exotec: “2021 will be a very exciting year for us during which we unlock our full potential in product development…We are particularly excited about our upcoming suite launch at the end of 2021.”

By providing warehouse automation solutions that use powerful robotics technology coupled with AI-assisted analytics intelligence; Exotec is continuously modernising their offerings – while revolutionising how businesses operate around the world.

Exotec’s Impact on Businesses

Exotec, a French robotics startup, has recently secured €293 million funding, making it the first industrial unicorn in France. This impressive leap is setting a new gold standard for future generations of companies and revolutionising how businesses operate.

In this article, we will take a look at how Exotec’s game-changing strategies are impacting businesses all around the world.

Automation of Warehouse Operations

Automating warehouse operations has enabled companies to save time, money, and resources while providing high-quality service. Exotec provides automated systems that include autonomous robotics, automated storage and retrieval systems, mobile robots and inventory management solutions. These technologies have drastically improved the efficiency of warehouse operations, resulting in more accurate item tracking and better customer service.

Exotec’s automated storage technologies are particularly disruptive as they can provide up to 70% faster item retrieval times than manual methods. They also enable more accurate stock levels by tracking items in real-time across multiple warehouses or locations. Furthermore, automated inventory management solutions can monitor short-term and long-term stock trends to ensure that accurate forecasting is always possible. This helps businesses reduce costs by avoiding over or understocking materials while improving customer service by providing improved responsiveness to order fulfilment requests.

Moreover, Exotec’s robotic technology utilises sophisticated algorithms to drive their mobile robots through warehouses without needing manual input or intervention. These robots can make decisions on their own to map out the most efficient routes throughout a warehouse operation while ensuring accuracy with items ordered client side. The automation of these daily processes results in a quicker turnaround which ultimately leads to further cost savings for managers over time due reduced workloads per employee, improved accuracy rate across all orders, less opportunity for human error during inventory cycles, and better overall customer satisfaction ratings from clients-side orders made through online portals/via phone calls etc.

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Improved Efficiency with Autonomous Robots

Thanks to Exotec’s cutting-edge solutions, autonomous robots are revolutionising how businesses operate. As mobile inventory and dispatch assistance, autonomous robots can improve businesses’ efficiency, accuracy, and faster fulfilment times.

The robots use advanced AI technology to autonomously plan the quickest route to their assigned destination, enabling them to quickly fetch items from warehouses or store shelves for delivery. This helps optimise workflow regarding order processing and stockpiling of high demand stock items.

Autonomous robots from Exotec are thus capable of reducing labour costs while increasing accuracy in its deliveries compared to traditional manual operations. Their ability to transport multiple orders also makes them suitable for large-scale operations.

Exotec’s solutions have been providing businesses of all sizes a reliable alternative for automated delivery services and order fulfilment processes — cutting costs and swiftly meeting customer demands like never before!

Increased Productivity with Automation

Using robots and automation in any business process can significantly increase efficiency and staff productivity. Using Exotec’s ‘Robo-Clerks’, businesses can streamline operations, reduce errors, and speed up customer service.

Robo-Clerks use artificial intelligence technology to autonomously move goods from storage racks to orders created by customers and accurately identify items down to the SKU level. Businesses utilising this technology can enjoy immediate speed, accuracy, and accountability gains while reducing their physical workload through automation. They can also track all warehouse processes in real time and enable direct control by managers.

In addition to eliminating manual tasks, Exotec’s ‘Fleet Manager’ software allows businesses to remotely configure the robots’ navigation route and performance variables instantly without stopping delivery activities. This leads to smoother deliveries with less `downtime`, resulting in increased overall productivity – especially if you have multiple warehouses or fulfilment centres operating simultaneously.

Ultimately, using automated robotics such as Exotec’s Robo-Clerks can improve overall operational efficiency while ensuring high-quality customer service. With increasing demand for quicker delivery times, businesses that cannot keep pace risk getting left behind – so it is essential that they invest in smart technology solutions like automaton robotics that will drive their success into the future.

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Advantages of Exotec

Exotec, the French robotics start-up, has recently raised €293 million and become France’s first industrial unicorn. This funding round brings the total investments in Exotec to €444 million.

The company’s software and hardware solutions aim to help businesses become more efficient and future-proof. In this article, we’ll learn about the advantages of Exotec and how it’s changing how businesses operate.

Cost Savings

Exotec has revolutionised the way businesses operate and has enabled significant cost savings. The main advantages of using Exotec are scalability, flexibility, and cloud-based platforms.

The scalability of Exotec ensures that businesses no longer have to maintain a large staff of IT professionals to remain competitive. In addition, by transitioning to a cloud-based platform, companies benefit from accessing their data and applications remotely with just a few clicks. This eliminates the need for physical servers, hardware upgrades and the labour costs of managing them.

In addition, an Exotec-based system can quickly be adjusted in response to market changes and growth. As a result, businesses can scale up or down depending on market conditions and respond quickly as trends fluctuate. In addition, the system’s flexibility allows users to tailor their experience based on individual needs such as specific company KPIs or personal preferences regarding user experience.

By leveraging powerful analytics tools offered by Exotec solutions, businesses gain valuable insights into customer behaviour which can then be used to inform marketing strategies or develop new products and services. This provides a strong competitive advantage since companies are now well positioned to deliver tailored experiences that customers truly appreciate.

In sum, it’s clear that Exotec offers cost savings for businesses by providing scalability options, flexible deployment models, easy access through cloud-based technologies, and powerful analytics tools that help increase long-term value for organisations of various sizes.

Improved Workflow

Exotec is a software and robotics tool designed to revolutionise warehouse management with improved efficiency and accuracy. It provides a smoother, overall experience for fulfilment centres that guide robots in effectively navigating the warehouse, organising products, and jobs. By automating several manual processes, such as sorting inventory and replenishing stock, Exotec can significantly reduce lead times while enhancing productivity. This groundbreaking technology helps businesses provide customers faster delivery times while minimising errors.

Improved Workflow: The most visible advantage of Exotec is the improvement of workflow operations. With the ability to equip robots with smart mapping technologies that drive the terminal around the warehouse floor, workers do not need to take lengthy routes to complete tasks. Furthermore, processes are completed quickly because robotics are not subject to human fatigue or prone to making mistakes as other manual labour might be. This improves turnaround time for tasks that would otherwise take up too much time and energy from human employees.

Enhanced Productivity: Better-defined paths enhance inventory planning by eliminating mistakes from manual calculations or guessing when calculating stock issues throughout the day-to-day operations of a fulfilment centre. In addition, Exotec’s automation capabilities reduce reliance on human labour, ultimately increasing daily throughput by reducing task time overall. Therefore, this technology further increases productivity of both humans and robots so that individual tasks can be completed rapidly without compromising accuracy in processing orders or delivery performance expectations.

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Increased Efficiency

The Exotec enterprise automation platform offers businesses a comprehensive solution for streamlining their operations, from sales to manufacturing. With built-in machine learning and artificial intelligence, it can boost operational efficiency by providing real-time insights into company functions.

By eliminating data silos and better managing the sharing of resources, Exotec automates manual tasks to free up employees’ time for higher-value activities. Other advantages include improved customer service through faster problem resolution and better availability of products, improved decision-making by having access to all relevant data in real time, and cost savings through decreased manual labour hours. Additionally, the user interface and intuitive dashboard makes it easy to configure the system as needed.

Exotec is quickly becoming a leader in enterprise automation and revolutionising business operations.

Challenges of Exotec

Exotec has achieved incredible success in the past few years, raising €293 million and becoming France’s first industrial unicorn. The company is dedicated to providing its customers with an automated goods-to-person picking solution, leading to operational efficiency.

While Exotec has revolutionised the way businesses operate, challenges remain. In this article, we will discuss the various challenges faced by Exotec.


One of the major challenges with implementing Exotec is security. As Exotec interacts with a company’s data and processes, any system must be as secure as possible. Therefore, companies must ensure adequate protection to keep their data secure while using Exotec-based solutions.

For this reason, companies should ensure any Exotec solution they use has adequate security measures in place. This could include regularly patching and updating any software used, implementing role-based access control, and utilising a security system to monitor all activity within the application. Additionally, ensuring that sensitive data is encrypted and properly stored away from the main server can help protect its security. With these measures, companies can be more confident that their solutions will remain secure when implemented into their business process.

Adaptation of Technology

Adapting to technology is a major challenge facing businesses today. As new technologies emerge, businesses must take the necessary steps to ensure their operations can keep up. Exotec’s ability to adapt its solutions is just one of the reasons it is becoming such a popular choice for businesses looking for reliable storage and retrieval solutions.

Exotec makes it easy for companies to stay ahead of technology trends, so they don’t have to worry about close-door strategies – strategies that won’t stand the test of time and can lead to problems in the long run. Exotec takes our clients’ technology needs when designing their e-commerce solutions and warehousing systems, so they are always ahead of the curve. This means for our clients that their operations will remain efficient regardless of changes in industry standards or sudden shifts in consumer tastes.

In addition, Exotec also offers our clients the ability to customise their e-commerce sites and warehouse management systems with our modular design packages. This way, you can adjust your site exactly how you need it without breaking the bank or spending extra time worrying about sustainability in light of changing industry trends. Finally, we work with some of the most reputable software vendors on Earth – companies like Microsoft and Oracle just to name a few – giving our clients peace of mind knowing that their systems will be secure and compliant with modern regulations.

Cost of Implementation

Businesses must consider all associated costs when deciding whether to implement Exotec as an operational solution. The cost for implementing Exotec is not limited to the technology, but includes additional considerations such as personnel, training and maintenance.

Technology: The cost of purchasing and maintaining all necessary hardware and software components can add up quickly. Depending on the size of a business, they might need servers, desktop computers and mobile devices to name a few items with associated costs. Businesses must also consider how often they need to upgrade their systems to keep up with changing technology and preferences.

Personnel: Along with technology, businesses may require additional staff to work with Exotec’s system. This means recruiting employees that are familiar with the platform or providing existing team members additional training for them to be able to adequately operate the system. It also involves potential staffing turnover due to job roles being restructured or changed altogether during implementation.

Training: Once Exotec is integrated into a business’s existing operations it can take time for employees to understand and use the system efficiently. This requires adequate training from knowledgeable personnel who understand how the system works and can lead staff through effective onboarding processes to get up-to-speed quickly without compromising output efficiency or customer service quality.

Maintenance: Finally, businesses must be aware that incorporating Exotic does not just entail one-off setup fees but requires ongoing maintenance as well – both from an IT (software & hardware) perspective and a managerial point of view (monitoring how team members utilise the new technology). This ensures that problems are noticed early on so they can be acted upon before any damage is done while maintaining high productivity levels across teams adapting to changing operational platforms smoothly within respective companies.

tags = Exotec, €293 million, France’s first industrial unicorn, European pioneer in global warehouse robotics, exotec goldman sachs asset management 2bsawersventurebeat, french exotec goldman asset management 2bsawersventurebeat, Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Dell Technologies Capital

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