How to get a Cryptocurrency Job in 2018

Cryptocurrency is a growing industry, and it’s not just for techies anymore. If you’re looking to get your foot in the door in this space, here are some tips on how to land a job in crypto.

Cryptocurrency jobs are becoming more and more popular, but finding a job as an entry-level cryptocurrency worker is not always easy.


Perhaps you’ve seen the latest Upwork report. Perhaps you stumbled upon an article on AngelList that was published not long ago. Or maybe you simply found it out yourself after a dozen restless hours scouring the internet for conventional work opportunities.

Jobs are aplenty in the cryptosphere, thanks to a slew of new businesses looking for a certain set of talents. There’s a piece of the pie for everyone, whether they’re authors or programmers, financial gurus or hardware engineers. You’ve arrived to the correct spot if you’ve ever wondered how to get from hapless enthusiast attempting to predict the vagaries of the newest altcoin to expert who rakes in the hashed currency.

Locate your Mojo.

It’s all well and well to talk about cryptocurrency employment, but what precisely are they? The area of cryptocurrencies includes an eclectic cast of experts with different backgrounds and skill sets, since it sits at the crossroads of many unrelated fields. It’s a good idea to know your position in all of this before swimming into this encrypted ocean.


The main obstacle to every fledgling technology is communication, or rather, the lack of it. Before people and organizations can begin to put their confidence in cryptocurrencies, it is critical to explain its concepts to the general public in an easy-to-understand way. This has resulted in a surge in demand for writers who are fluent in cryptospeak, often known as cryptocurrency writers.

Arguably the simplest profession to get into, all that is required to establish a name for oneself in this area is a working understanding of current crypto trends, as well as a passion for the written word. Bonus points if you can tell the difference between Ethereum and Litecoin and don’t believe cold storage is for storing veggies.

Blockchain Programmer

Blockchain developers are to cryptocurrencies what software engineers are to the internet; they are the builders of the web’s fundamental underpinnings. As a result, demand for blockchain developers continues to grow, making blockchain the hottest talent on the market. Every ICO (Initial Coin Offering) must be built on top of a blockchain, with well-engineered code that allows it to interact with the underlying protocols seamlessly. This desire isn’t going away anytime soon, with a new currency being born every hour. Even better, blockchains may be used for purposes other than cryptocurrencies, such as warehousing and even gaming, which necessitates the use of wizards to create bespoke blockchains from start or to use smart contracts to build on an existing network like Ethereum. However, be aware of the technical depth needed for this position, which requires a broad understanding of all elements of software development and networking, as well as competence in languages such as C++ and Python.


No, I’m not talking about the type that wears yellow helmets and hammers away at hard rocks with pickaxes; I’m talking about cryptocurrency miners, who set up enormous rigs that hammer away at the different cryptocurrencies’ complicated proof-of-work algorithms to unearth new coins. Because of the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, this profession has become very popular, with massive mining pools using thousands of specialized chips springing up all over the globe. To guarantee optimum performance, these mining machines must be constantly monitored and maintained, providing a chance for passionate IT experts who are comfortable dealing with networked gear. An education in electrical engineering may also assist the miner identify system problems and reduce cooling costs via better set-ups, while software knowledge can aid in comprehending the currency protocols.


Crypto traders used to be lone wolves who gambled their way through the currency exchanges in the hopes of becoming wealthy overnight. However, when large money entered the crypto scene, coin trading became considered as serious business, with firms establishing crypto exchanges to enable encrypted financial transfers and others investing in digital assets. Navigating these exchanges quickly began to resemble its stock market counterparts, resulting in the emergence of comparable specialists engaged in speculative activity, akin to Wall Street brokers. That’s where the modern day trader comes in, performing coin transactions for big investment companies while collaborating with peers to execute a specific investment plan. A trader should also be able to assess market volatility and modify their deals accordingly. This implies that any understanding of statistical analysis techniques, such as those implemented in software programs like Matlab or languages like R, is a big advantage.


Until recently, the bulk of crypto investors fit the description of hype seekers, who jumped on the bandwagon based on rumor and marketing tricks, making impulsive purchases and pushing coin values to unsustainable heights. However, when the bubble burst in February, it sent shockwaves across the market, sending once-strong currencies to rock bottom and completely destroying several of the weaker ones. With it, the area has progressed to a more mature stage, one that places a greater emphasis on rigorous analysis rather than emotion hopping. As with any financial asset, this provides a market for experts to analyze the environment and develop good investing ideas. Crypto analysts are in charge of keeping up with industry changes and evaluating the potential of future ICOs in order to determine the best investment strategy for the portfolios they manage. This job requires a background in finance as well as a love for cryptocurrency.

Be aware of your adversary.

It is very difficult to fake it in a bitcoin profession due to its mainly technical nature. If you’re serious about pursuing a job in this area, it’s a good idea to double-check that you have the necessary skills before sending out your CV.


Cryptocurrency coursera

Coursera is the first source of information that springs to mind when seeking to brush up on your abilities, and it’s the ideal platform for learning the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies or cryptography. This Princeton course, for example, will help you grasp the technological foundations of Bitcoin (and, to a lesser degree, most altcoins). Other courses might include this solidity primer, which is particularly helpful for Blockchain developers.

The World Wide Web

Of course, having a basic knowledge isn’t enough to get you a job. There is no better way to improve your understanding than to use the internet. If you don’t know what you’re searching for, you’ll become lost in a sea of information. For example, if all you want to do is write, you don’t need to learn about the technical details of how blockchains work; instead, you should focus on learning about the main features of most major coins and technologies, such as Ethereum or Ripple in addition to Bitcoin, and the overall investment climate. If you want to be a Blockchain Developer, on the other hand, you won’t go very far until you know how to build smart contracts in Solidity and create safe crypto wallets. Traders and analysts should familiarize themselves with the interfaces of the main exchanges and research the history and future prospects of the major coins.

Formal education is the study of a subject.

Cryptoversity course

While crypto-focused degrees are still a ways off, conventional degrees may provide you with the necessary abilities to deal with cryptocurrency. Trained software developers will find it simpler to adapt to the requirements of the blockchain, so a Computer Science major may get a leg up, but the normal business maxims still apply in the area of crypto investing, so an MBA is a solid start in the right direction. Just be sure you round out your skillset with crypto-specific knowledge by enrolling in a few MOOCs and gaining some hands-on experience.

Skills in the Real World

It’s one thing to talk about something in theory, and quite another to put it into practice. Nothing beats getting your hands dirty, so try performing the work you want before you consider your degree accomplished. If you want to be a writer, write some fake pieces; if you want to be a programmer, build a few programs; and if you want to be a trader or analyst, learn how to navigate an exchange and execute transactions.

Select your battleground. 

After you’ve gathered the required abilities, the next step is to figure out what sort of job you want to pursue. Do you have a conventional 9-to-5 job? Or work from home as a freelancer, juggling a dozen projects? Or a combination of the two, with you just having to come into the office on specific days for meetings and such? Pick your poison.


The bulk of crypto jobs are, unsurprisingly, remote. This is because of two major reasons: To begin with, the cryptospace is dominated by new companies with little resources and short-term objectives. Second, people competent in this field are still few and far between, requiring businesses to seek outside of their borders to fill crucial gaps. This isn’t always a negative thing since it enables you to rapidly move through a range of jobs, gaining experience and developing your CV. This is a huge benefit for people who don’t live in the heart of the activity, since it allows them to create a profitable and flexible profession from the comfort of their own homes.


Cryptocurrency is first and foremost a computer science invention. As a result, the tech industry’s hotbeds – Palo Alto, San Francisco, and New York – also serve as hotbeds of cryptocurrency activity, with hundreds of companies and thousands of job opportunities. However, the position being sought has a significant impact on the location of a job. Mining operations are mostly concentrated in China, but as a result of the crackdown, they have shifted to chilly Western nations such as Switzerland and Canada to save money on cooling expenses, making them ideal locations for a mining technician. While financial centers like London may not have cutting-edge technology, they do have well-established investment networks and a strong need for traders and analysts. Even places like Washington, D.C., which are notoriously reluctant to adopt new technologies, are witnessing an increase in bitcoin employment, owing mostly to a need for writers from the news organizations based there.

Take a Chance

It may be tough to persuade potential employers of your fitness for a job as a newcomer in this area. Exercising your capacity to complete a job and sharing your understanding of the nitty-gritty of the subject is always beneficial. For example, for a Blockchain Developer, this might entail keeping a well-written blog (and to some degree, for analysts as well) or creating a sample smart contract and uploading the code on Github. Now that you have a sample, it’s time to put it to use.

This stage should be simple for a new freelancer. Advertisements for every job and platform abound on sites like Freelancer and Upwork, providing a multitude of possibilities for the novice. Bidding on such sites may sometimes be the greatest method to get that first job, despite the fact that it takes time to build up customers and trust. You may also look for specialist platforms. Writers may look for employment related to cryptocurrency on sites like Problogger, while programmers can apply to sites like Toptal or Codementor for hassle-free access to high-paying, consistent work. By engaging in educated discussions, traders and analysts may tap into the discussion channels providing investing advice, which can easily lead to a request to collaborate on a bigger project.

Job portals like Indeed or AngelList are your greatest friends for on-site positions. Their job listings are many and updated on a daily basis, providing a variety of options for finding that ideal job, and they are generally scam-free, unlike many other job boards. Maintaining a vibrant social media presence may also assist, with an entrepreneur being enticed to approach you directly by your informative tweets or blogs. This may also be done in reverse; if you have a strong CV and a good reputation in this area, you can attempt ‘cold pitching’ your services to a potential employer, or just follow their accounts to build a connection that will pay off in the future.

P.S. If a business promises to repay you in the same currency (i.e. in crypto), make sure you understand how to convert your coins to fiat currencies. After all, you’ll need some dollars for your bread and butter until your grocer accepts bitcoins, right?

Rinse and repeat as needed

Living at the cutting edge of a new technology may provide unrivaled opportunities for advancement, enabling one to achieve rapid success. However, because of the volatile nature of cryptocurrency’s underlying technology, the world’s needs, wants, and requirements are continuously changing, adding a new layer of complexity every day. Total Crypto believes that it is critical for professionals in this area to continuously upgrade themselves, whether it is learning about fast changing technology or keeping up to date on legislative developments. Cryptocurrency is on the verge of sweeping the globe; be sure you’re riding the wave – and cryptocurrency employment will follow.

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DISCLAIMER: The activity of the cryptoassets discussed in this paper is uncontrolled. This post is not intended to provide financial advice. Always do independent research.

The future jobs in cryptocurrency is a question that has been asked numerous times. There are many different ways to get a job in the cryptocurrency industry, so it would be best to research and find out what you want to do.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you make a career out of Crypto?

Its possible, but not easy. If you are looking to make a career out of crypto, I would recommend looking into other options such as trading or investing in the market.

How do I break into Blockchain?

Its not possible to break into blockchain.

Can you still get rich with cryptocurrency?

Yes, you can still get rich with cryptocurrency.

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